19th Century Wooden Gingerbread Mold
Antique Wrought Forged Iron Pricket Candle Torchiere
Cabinet, Lacquered Asian Design
Continental Carved Walnut Figure
Double Sided Wooden Gingerbread Mold
Double-Sided Wooden Gingerbread Mold
Double-Sided Wooden Gingerbread Mold, Man and Woman
Framed 18th Century Fan
French Provincial Wooden Press
Georgian Gallery Tray
Hand-Made, Hand-Painted Wooden Trinket/Ring box
Italian Scrolled Carved Wood Giltwood Frame
Lady's Nineteen-Piece Sterling Silver-Mounted Necessaire de Voyage,
Late 19th Century Wooden Salt Box
Louis VIII Gilt Wood Pricket Candlestick
Louis XV Gilt wood Barometer
Louis XVI Gilt Wood Candlestick
Pair of 18th Century Carved Fragment on Stands
Pair of silver plated bronze candelabras
Paris Porcelain Gilt Decorated Tiebacks
Porcelain vintage box, Limoges, shape of a commode
Pressed Brass and Ebonized Wood Crest
Terra Cotta Bust of Marie Antoinette